Monday, April 16, 2007

Is there an artist in you?

Now that you've finished your taxes, the next postmark date you should have on your calendar is April 25. That's the date by which you should submit your entries to Rosalux Gallery's third annual "Open Door" exhibition.

In these solipsistic times, everyone considers himself or herself an artist. After all, any Joe can snap a photo with his celly, or shoot video with her Macbook and upload it to the world.

That means the world needs more editors and curators and recommendation agents--the gatekeepers who do the heavy, thankless work of eliminating all the "user-generated" art that threatens to overwhelm you.

We're pleased to report that Rosalux has contracted one of the more gifted and catholic-thinking curators in the region. You can be assured that Diane Mullin, a curator at the Weisman, will turn an eye to your work that is both expert and sympathetic. We've been delighted over the years at her aesthetic sense and her willingness to take risks on unknown ("emerging" is the old, false cliche) artists.

If you've got that artistic spark in the dark and the skills to pay the bills, Mullin will certainly find you out. And for only the $25 entry fee, that's cheaper than going to a fortune-teller, a tarot-card reader, or a Soho gallery full of snotty New Yorkers.

Rosalux Gallery,

Call for Entries,

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